alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1769) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1782) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1534) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1484) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1481) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1515) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1487) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1382) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1377) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1378) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1365) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1444) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1407) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1426) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1405) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1506) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1456) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1358) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1336) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1348) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1350) alexandra lavrente_copenhagen denmark (1352)

Pentru mine istoria este foarte plicticoasa fiindca eu nu pot sa retin date. Eu retin evenimente, si cu cat mai picante, cu atat mai bine. Arta este atemporala. Ce inseamna istoria fara arta? Ce ar insemna Egiptul fara hieroglifele sale, fara pictura murala, sculpturile gigantesti si mumiile ce dateaza de milenii? Arta pentru mine atesta identitatea, unicitatea. Si nu este vorba doar de a reliefa aspiratiile politice sau valorile unei anumite epoci, ci de a transcende.

Rosenborg Castle, o bijuterie renascentista plasata intr-un parc cu copaci perfect dreptunghiulari. E usor de imaginat ca si oamenii din vremea lui Christian al IV lea erau la fel de impresionati de stucaturi, candelabre, tapiserii, picturi si piese de mobilier. Ajungand la Bijuteriile Coroanei, Canon, epuizat, a ramas fara baterie. Dupa cateva mii de poze. Acesta a fost suvenirul meu din Copenhaga.

History is pretty boring to me because I can’t remember dates.  I remember events, the more spicy, the better. But art is timeless. What would History be without Art? What would Egypt be without its hieroglyphs, without its mural paintings, sarcophagi and thousands years old mummies? Art to me certifies one’s identity, uniqueness. And it’s not just about emphasizing political aspirations or values of a certain era, it’s about transcending.

Rosenborg Castle, a Renaissance jewel placed in the middle of a park with perfect rectangular trees. It’s easy to imagine that people from Christian the 4th were also impressed by the golden ceilings, massive chandeliers, tapestries, paintings and furniture with inlaid ivory and marble. Arriving to the basement, where the Crown Jewels are kept, Canon, exhausted after a few thousands shots, remained without battery.
