Se spune ca “toate drumurile duc la Roma”, insa eu ma pierdusem. De cateva zile ploua torential si ma intrebam daca merita sa ma dau jos din pat ca sa prind avionul. Facusem bagajele cu doar cateva ore in urma. M-am imbracat in sfarsit si ajunsa la aeroport, mi-am dat seama ca nu mi-am luat cartea de identitate. Mi-am dat seama ca pur si simplu nu am luat-o, nu ca am uitat-o.
Zbor de doua ore cu o diferenta de fus orar, am ajuns devreme in Suedia. Teii nu inflorisera si vremea era mohorata. M-am urcat ganditoare in autocar si am dormit tot drumul spre inima Danemarcei.
Asa te indragostesti – te simti dezamagit, indispus, absent si apoi te farmeca cu simplitatea ei. Turbinele eoliene se roteau molatec in aer, verdele proaspat imbratisa pamanturile, linistea te absorbea in pacea ei launtrica. Are ceva semet Danemarca – cupolele muzeelor strapung cerul, dragoni se imperecheaza sinusoidal, perfectiuni sferice regrupeaza peisajul si dincolo de liniste, isi arata chipul sau devorator de lebede. Iar eu, deja sedusa, nimic nu iubesc mai mult decat contradictiile.
Mai intai m-a chemat in Round Tower sa-i admir contururile. M-a fascinat contrastul dintre caramizile sangerii si acoperisurile oxidate in turcoaz uniform, cu ornamente aurite, cu valul cetos, parca ascunzandu-se jucausa. Si mi-am spus: “da, m-as putea indragosti de tine”.
Irish coffee si plimbare cu barca pe canalele Copenhagai. Ghidul povestea cate ceva despre cladiri, dar in afara de Opera, nu am retinut niciun nume. Asa sunt eu – nu retin nume cand fac cunostinta cu cineva, decat daca ma intriga persoana. Si nu am preferinte de sex. Tocmai de aceea m-au fascinat danezele cu parul lor alb de zana si ochi albastri de lapis lazuli, cu carnea lor tare si independenta. Revenind la cladiri, m-a fascinat Copenhaga cu puterea ei de transformare – din silozuri in birouri, din fabrici de hartie in street food fair. Si vreau sa invat si eu a recicla sentimente, sa fac oameni frumosi din oameni cu chipul desfigurat.
They say “all roads lead to Rome”, but I was feeling completely lost. Torrential rains were falling and I was beginning to wonder if there is any point in getting out of bed and catch the plane to Sweden. Packed the bags just a few hours earlier, got dressed eventually and arriving at the airport I noticed that my identity card was missing. But the thing is that I didn’t forget it, I just never thought putting it in my bag.
After a two hours flight minus one hour because of time zone difference, we arrived early in Sweden. Linden trees had their flowers still closed and the weather was gloomy. I stepped into the bus with my head in the clouds and slept all the way to Denmark.
That’s how you fall in love – you feel disappointed, absent and then she charms you with her simplicity. The wind turbines were slowly moving trough the air, a soft shade of green caressing all the landscape, silence was absorbing you into her inner peace. Denmark has also something bold – cupolas pierce the sky, dragons mate in descending spirals, spheres circle the sky and beyond those innocent eyes, she smiles with her devouring swans mouth. And I am already seduced, since there’s nothing I love most than contradiction.
First she lured me into the Round Tower, showing me her curves. The contrast between those reddish bricks and the oxidized roofs is fascinating. With her golden ornaments, under that soft mist like a veil, she seems frisky and sensual. “I could fall in love with you” I thought to myself.
Irish coffee and boat trip on Copenhagen’s canals. The guide was talking about the buildings surrounding us, but besides The Opera, I couldn’t remember any. I never remember names. When I meet someone, I only remember the name and features if I find myself intrigued by that person. And I don’t have sex preferences. That’s why danish girls fascinated me with their long, blonde, fairy like hair and lapis lazuli eyes, their strong and independent flesh. Going back to the buildings, Copenhagen amazed me with her recycling ability – from silos to offices, from paper factory to food fair. And I also want to learn how to recycle emotions – to make beautiful people out of defaced figures.