Ultima dimineata la Sibiu a fost racoroasa, asa ca am petrecut-o in vastul Palat Brukenthal. Din momentul in care deschizi usile masive, ramai impresionat de contrastul dintre stucatura aurie si culorile tari si proaspete ale peretilor. Fiindca pictura murala nu a putut fi salvata, peretii in tonuri intense de albastru sau verde, incarcati cu rame groase si arme cu incrustatii de fildes dau un aer contemporan locului. Pe indelete am admirat fiecare detaliu, de la panze, pana la obiectele de mobilier: lucrari de Rubens, Jan van Eyck, dulapuri imense incrustate cu motive rombice aurii, masute triunghiulare pentru jocul de carti, scaune din piele pictata si minunate candelabre. Pivnita, transformata in sala de expozitie, povesteste despre elementele de inspiratie gotica la nivel international, atat din literartura, cat si din arta, oferind un soclu pentru intelegerea oamenilor si a orasului din vremea lui Samuel von Brukenthal. Cel mai mult mi-a placut spatiul destinat “cercetatorului nebun”, a carei descriere spune: “In lumea gotica un castel se poate rematerializa intr-un laborator secret. In mod similar, figuri precum cele ale necromantilor pot deveni cercetatori nebuni, iar demonii pot deveni creaturi mutante. Proto-stiinta alchimiei si bizarele ei experimente, gasesc adesea asemanari cu o stiinta scapata de sub control. Profilul alchimistului se dovedeste o foarte importanta sursa de inspiratie in realizarea personajelor ce intruchipeaza inventatorii unor creaturi inspaimantatoare. Dupa cum faimosul alchimist Paracelsus (1493 – 1541) sustinea ca este capabil sa creeze un homunculus, un om artificial, Victor Frankenstein creeaza o monstruoasa fiinta umana, iar doctorul Jekyll din propria umbra il aduce la fiinta pe domnul Hyde in nuvela – Straniul caz al doctorului Jekyll si al domnului Hyde (1886) de Robert Stevenson.”

Dincolo de aspiratia spre inaltimi si cucerirea spatiul, omul a fost dintotdeauna fascinat de propria sa putere creatoare. Si omul vrea sa fie mai presus de oameni, sa creeze oameni la randul sau. Nimeni nu stie de unde vine inspiratia, dar oamenii vor sa creada ca totul izvoraste din propriul geniu. Cu cat ma gandesc mai mult, cu atat expozitia din pivnita mi se pare mai fascinanta! Asa ca in drum spre Bucuresti ne-am oprit la Manastirea Brancoveanu din Sambata de Jos, ca sa ne revenim.

English, my dear

Our final morning in Sibiu was nippy, so we spent the time visiting the gorgeous Brukenthal Palace. As soon as the massive doors opened, you are awed by the beautiful contrast created by the gold platings and the fresh, vibrant colours of the walls. Because the murals were too damaged to restore, the vibrant shades of blue or green on the walls and the heavy frames with ivory details create a contemporary atmosphere in the place. I have carefully analysed every detail – from canvases to furniture items, works signed by different artists, from Rubens to Van Eyck, massive cabinets with gold rhombic details, card game tables with triangular shapes, painted leather chairs and marvellous chandeliers.

The cellar was rethought as an exhibition room with a gothic vibe found in the international art and literature offering the perfect base to understanding the people and the town as was during the days of Baron Samuel von Brukenthal. “The Mad Scientist” scene was my favourite. The description read as follows: “The gothic world of a castle can be recreated in a secret laboratory. In a simmilar manner, the necromancer characters can become the mad scientists, and the demons can become mutant creatures. The science of alchemy and its twisted experiments can often find similarities in a science that took one step too far. The profile of the alchemist is musefor numerous frightening creatures.

As the famous alchemist, Paracelsus (1493 – 1541) claimed that he is able to create an artificial human, Victor Frankenstein creates a monstruous human, and doctor Jekyll brings Mr. Hyde to life from his own shadow in the novel The mysterious case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886), writen by Robert Stevenson.”

Beyond the desire to reach to the heights and to conquer space, the man has always been fascinated by his creative powers. No one can tell where the inspiration comes from, but everyone likes to think the source is their own genius. The more I think, the more I find the cellar exhibition to be ever fascinating! So, on our way back to Bucharest, we stopped at Brancoveanu Monastery from Sambata de Jos, just so we could have a reality check.

English version: Simona Necsefor

Wearing: Grandma knitted sweater | H&M snake print skirt

Location: Sibiu | Romania