
Nu stiu cum sunteti voi sambata, dar eu sunt ca o leguma pisica lungita in balansoar. O labuta ii atarna, dar nici ca-i pasa, nu exista o pozitie mai comoda decat tolaneala. Ma intind pana in varful gherutelor si parca soarele asta imi vine prea piezis, hai ca ma rasucesc pe partea cealalta cu ultimele puteri.

Toata saptamana imi scriu in jurnal cum sa petrec weekendul, cum sa scriu mai mult, sa pozez mai des, sa petrec mai multe ore descoperind aplicatii noi precum 3DSMax sau ZBrush (cand le-am deschis pentru prima oara, mi s-au parut niste OZN-uri) si sambata dimineata chiar ma trezesc cu pofta de lucru. Incep cu cafeaua cu lapte, verific email-urile iar afara pasarile ciripesc atat de tare, cat pentru toate lunile de iarna, si soarele orbitor ma face sa vad difuz, pleoapele imi cad grele, apoi le simt obosite si parfumul asta proaspat de copaci infloriti imi sterge pofta de munca, inlocuind-o cu placerea de a culca iarba dupa forma trupului meu.

Pe seara, ma cuprind remuscarile si in general 9 este ora la care muza ma trage de maneca. Sincronizare perfecta fiindca imi recapat puterile si din pisicuta draguta devin o zmeoaica. Cuvantul asta imi aduce aminte de “Insir’te margarite”, in care Dan Puric joaca rolul Zmeului. Dar nu te lasa pacalit de litere fiindca conturul personajului se estompeaza si se pune intr-o lumina analitica, descoperindu-i calitati rare precum: rabdare, pasiune, consecventa, seductie.

Cred ca in viata, a-ti spune povestea este cel mai important lucru pe care il ai de facut. Nu trebuie sa inventezi roata, trebuie doar sa ai ce povesti, cu un pic de haz, poate autoironie, cate un epitet, o hiperbola pe alocuri…

Hai la teatru, ca tare mi-e dor!


I don’t know how you feel on Saturdays, but I feel exhausted, just like a vegetable lazy cat, yawning on a swing. One of the paws is hanging lose, but I don’t care – this is the most comfortable position ever! I stretch to the tip of my claws and it feels like this sun is way too powerful for my sensitive eyes, so with my last strength, I turn on the other side.

All week long I write in my journal how to spend more time writing, drawing, making photos, discovering applications like 3DSMax or ZBrush (which felt like UFOs the first time I opened them) and Saturday morning I really wake up energized. But as soon as I start checking my emails, I hear birds sing so loud, the sun shines so blindingly and this fresh smell of blooming trees … make me want to lay on the grass all day long!

By evening I feel remorse which is a perfect timing because in general 9 p.m. is the time when my muse starts whispering in my ear and pull me by the sleeve, saying it’s time to get things done. And I feel like I’m regaining my strength, my confidence, and I feel like becoming an ogre.

By the way, this word reminds me of the play “Insir’te margarite”, where the amazing Dan Puric is playing the leading role, embodying the Ogre of Ogres. But don’t let yourself fooled by the letters because the contour is blurred and a negative character is put into an objectively light, uncovering rare qualities like: patience, passion, seduction.

To me, the most important thing to do in a lifetime is to write your own life story. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, you just have to make a great content.